CM dashboard with Kanboard

Change Management Templates

LeanKBoard again is proud to offer you another set of 3 templates to really have a big picture on how to change management. You can choose between change management with PDCA, Runlean or OKR.

Conplexity thinkers says that make awarness of something is not enough to really change the world,so many other things need to be done,so a guide of these activities and things are present on every CMT (Change Management Template),so maybe you are confortable using PDCA, or perhaps you prefer to use OKRs or RL,but still are more so go ahead and sign up for a template

  • CMPDCA (Change Management Plan-Do-Control-Analyze
  • CMRL (Change Management RunLean
  • CMOKR (Change Management Objetive-Key-Results

This is how a CM dashboard can look like

So we are sharing a very easy but powerfull and fuctional template for Kanboard so you can monitor how well the activities to change the world goes.


Choose your option...


$ 0 .00 /MON
  • 1 LeanKboard
  • 1 Account User

$ 2 .90 /MON
  • Multiple LeanKboards
  • 1 Admin Account
  • 15  Users for your leankboards
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