LeanKBoard is a hosting system where you can manage a digital Kanboard customized to run lean experiments, so you can have a free digital dashboard or an advanced dashboard to enhance collaboration and to share it , without worries by saving your data.
But wait a minute, if you don't know what is Kanboard or what is the runlean experiments, let me tell you in short, that we join technology and the concept to provide an excelent tool on web...
Kanboard is an excellent open source used traditionally to manage projects using kanban approach.
Runlean is a movement to avoid waste and to manage all kind of intraprenurs, entreprenurs or enterprise projects with modern techniques.
Indeed what you (and probably your team) want to achive, is get direction toward where to move next, there are several alternatives and most of them have cost associated, so you need to use a LeanKBoard to carry out experiments on several iterations to discover, true product user, true problem solving a true need and then a true solutions , having discoverd that you and your team will know how to focus on the next move and your goal is spent the less resources to complete iterations. So focus on your experiments and iterations and use LeanKBoard.